Outside mind                Inside mind            Inside body

    Oppression            Obsession          Possession



OPPRESSION:  From the Outside 

1 Peter 5:8[1] Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.


Oppression is the state, or process of being tempted spiritually with a sense of being weighed down physically and psychologically. It is an attack against us, from the outside, with sickness, trials, persecution, poverty, etc. It can also be caused by occult objects and curses.


Symptoms: Frequent depression, continual night-mares, insomnia, afraid to go to sleep, experience a ‘presence’ in the room, strong anxiety, addictions (alcohol, drugs), and physical illness, and weariness.

Anger or indifference towards God; a loss of passion to worship and in prayer.

Loss of interest in reading the Bible and being with other Christians. Hopelessness, abnormal fixations, feeling pressured, overwhelmed, helpless anxiety, bitterness; unable to forgive; guilt, shame, heaviness or prolonged discouragement.

OBSESSION: From Inside the mind                      

Tormenting the mind is obsession, whether done with the awareness of the person obsessed or lack of awareness. E.g. You are obsessed with something as gambling, drugs, sex, porno, etc. It is a voluntary or involuntary doorway that has been opened in the mind. The person is still in control but suffers on many different physical and emotional levels. Obsession is when the demons catch hold of a mind, to make it listen to the words and suggestions of evil.                     



Confusion of reasoning, hopelessness, reclusiveness or extreme isolation (either real or isolated in feelings); insomnia; night-mares depression (severe); voices and being talked to by voices that suggest very vulgar or disgusting acts; thoughts of or attempts at suicide or to hurt oneself or others; the demons will try and reveal themselves by trying to make you afraid at night. Uncontrollable urges to see pornography or lustful thoughts or abnormal sexual stimulation during prayer; an “out of character” sudden attacks of obsessive thoughts. These can be of an ongoing and even absurd nature. There is an added inability to be freed from these thoughts which range from desperation to suicide.

It can be an unusual interest in the occult, demons, and Satan which controls interests and pursuits in a dictating manner. Obsession with demon powers can lead to possession.


 Extreme symptoms: Things happening around you such as objects being moved; severe and repeated sexual temptations; shadow figures being seen; offensive odors that are not naturally caused; inciting of fear, anxiety, worry and panic; children or pets may see or hear things; knocking or rapping - especially in numbers of three; hearing one’s name being called. (Also, in POSSESSION and INFESTATION)



Inside the body and aspects of thinking


Possession is the act or state of being dominated or possessed by an extra-ordinary influence. Demonic possession happens when a demon tries to take control of the will. Demon(s) gain access not only to the body but also aspects of thinking & the will. They move into the soul but cannot control the soul, it is mainly an effect on the body, but the will is degraded to a significant degree. Some possessed people can function, but have many problems. Others who are severely possessed cannot function well at all. For example, they would not be able to drive a car, or take care of their personal hygiene needs, etc. Scripture and experience teach us that there are various degrees within possession. With “Complete Possession”, Satan takes full possession of the body (not the soul);” a person’s will has been submerged and is no longer able to resist.  This is also called “Total Possession” which is extremely rare.


There are two basic categories of possession: 

Voluntary or involuntary possession.


Voluntary or willing possession (Diabolical overthrow) means that a person may desire to be taken over by demonic powers (as making a blood pack with the devil or being consecrated to Satan) or in order to conduct séances, pronounce curses, initiation into a Satanic cult, or secure some other supernatural power.


Involuntary or unwilling possession means that an individual does not ask to be possessed, but through occult associations, as being consecrated to Satan as a child by the parents. In ancient Babylon, temple prostitutes were used as conduits by which demons and evil spirits were passed on to unsuspecting clients. Rape and violent sexual molestation of children have been known to open doorways to some powerful and wicked demons.

Demonic possession by demons occurs mostly among non-believers and pseudo believers, who are subject to the control by the kingdom of darkness. For the truth is, outright demonic possession is rare, and in the Catholic Church, that is what the formal Rite of Exorcism is meant to address. When Jesus dwells in us, the demons cannot move in. The Catholic saints could be oppressed, obsessed but never demon possessed. 

A demon cannot "roommate" with Jesus. We cast out demons, so that the person, having the demons cast out, can accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. If the person does not accept Jesus, the Bible warns us, that later the demons or their friends will move in sevenfold back into the person.


 Matthew 12: 43-45 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So, also will it be with this evil generation.” We need to present Jesus to them, so they can choose Him, be baptized and receive the infilling or release of the Holy Spirit and start a new life as a child of the King in the Kingdom of God.



Infestation is a phenomenon by which a demonic spirit possesses a place, things or animals. (Infestation of people: refer to voluntary possession). We must be careful to discern whether it is a demon or a DHS (disembodied human soul: see page 34.) Infestation of a house can take place when spiritism, satanic rites, Santeria (voodoo) or other forms of esoteric activities have been practiced continuously in that house. Occult objects such as idols used in occult worship, books or charms, can also give authority for demon activity. When the devil possesses a place, he can move things at will or provoke noises or odors. These types of phenomena are not produced by unknown spirits, but rather by demons. This can be proven by the fact that with prayer, all cases can disappear.









[2] Major or Solemn rite of Exorcism [When Saints preformed exorcism it was called charismatic exorcism]