PORNOGRAPIC SOUL-TIES  


Viewing pornography floods the brain with the chemical known as oxytocin and dopamine. And over time, it rewires the brain’s reward pathway and actually changes the makeup of the viewer’s brain. This can result in an increased appetite for more pornography. Cambridge University scientists confirmed that it rewires your brain and they can show brain scan examples to prove it.

 Thus, pornography is addictive. It 'enslaves' its addicted followers and steadily defiles, corrupts and diminishes them. It becomes their 'dirty little secret'. It can be as strong as an addiction to opium.

The cycle of porno addiction will cause the person to abandon all other interests and devotes themselves to porno. It’s about the brain getting more of the ‘happy hormone’ dopamine. After being addicted, the person is engulfed in a deep depression and self-disgust. The person looses free will and is enslaved in the habit. (Obsession)

It will change you spiritually, mentally and physically. The longer you use it, the greater the change. The brain will end-up desiring a brutal form of sex. In addiction, there is a difference between desiring it and liking it. A porno addict desires it but may not like it. They turn to porno for the purpose of killing their emotional pain. 


When having sex with a person infected with a venereal disease, you may or may not become infected. But with regular intercourse, it will be inevitable.

Spiritually speaking, it is the same. It is possible, during sex, to receive the demons of the person you are ‘becoming one flesh’ with.

Pornography is the same way: When you masturbate to porno, you may or may not catch the virus. I am not talking about a computer virus, but a spiritual one. When you open the door to Satan through porno, you give him the legal right to enter. The demon enters at the moment of sexual climax.

Using porno regularly (as 2/3 of all Christian do), you are opening the door, to the possibility of receiving a sex demon.

Satan and his church and all those under his influence; Hollywood filmmakers, etc., know very well what they are doing. “Satanic porno evangelism” is destroying and influencing every aspect of our society today. Satanic curses are being placed on pornographic material and just as you can receive a blessing or healing over the TV or computer, you can also receive a curse or a destructive demon.



PROCEDURE: -Breaking Pornographic Soul-Ties


Note: When masturbating to a pornographic picture or video, at the moment of orgasm, you open the door to the second heaven,  allowing any demonic entities connected to the pornographic picture, to invade your mind.

Repeat after me:  

Heavenly Father, I ask Your forgiveness for having committed spiritual adultery in my heart, by sexually bonding in lust and masturbation, to all those pictures, films and unclean fantasies throughout all my entire life. 


I place myself and all those pornographic images under the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  


I bind together, as in one chain (one huge rope), all the un-clean soul-ties I have ever made, by focusing my imagination on those pornographic images. 


In the name of Jesus, I command all unclean spirits to release the sensual hold on my mind and private parts, by the power that raised Jesus from the dead!! Clap hands once!


Heavenly Father, I ask You to destroy every demonic seal that has been placed over my genitals and set me free, in Jesus Name.

I wash my eyes and memories clean, in the Blood of Jesus. 


And I take back from all those unclean spirits attach-ed to those images, any part of me that they are still holding onto, washed in the Blood of Jesus and return it to my soul.  


And I break the chain of the soul-ties’ between myself and all those pornographic images, in the mighty name of Jesus!     Clap once!  


Thank You, Jesus, for You have already won the battle for me! Now I stand on and fight from Your victory. Amen!


Father God, when I am being tempted, remind me to say “Jesus has already won the battle! And I rest and fight from His victory.” Father God, send Your angels down around me. Cover me Jesus, in Your precious Blood and may the powerful shield of Light of the Holy Spirit protect me. 


Jesus, balance the chemical mix in my brain as oxytocin and dopamine, and return to me, full control over my thoughts and choices. (Also, testosterone, norepinephrine, vasopressin, endogenous opiates, and serotonin levels.) 


Redirect and heal the neural pathways in my brain that have kept me bound in this addiction. 

I proclaim this in Jesus’ name![1]   Clap once!

House of Healing Den Bosch 2019


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[1] House of Healing Den Bosch 2019