Father God, help me replace the fears threatening to consume me with Your truth. I know You love me, You are for me, and I absolutely can trust You with all of my heart.

My whole life I’ve searched for a love to satisfy the deepest longings within me to be known, treasured, and wholly accepted. When You created me, Lord, Your very first thought of me made Your heart long with a love that set You in pursuit of me. Your love for me was so great that You, the God of the whole universe, went on a personal quest to pursue me, love me, and finally take hold of me with the whisper, “I will never let you go.”


Jesus, I lay down my need to understand “why things happen the way they do”.

I lay down my fears about others walking away and taking their love with them.

I lay down my desire to prove my worth to others.

I lay down my resistance to fully trust Your thoughts, Your ways, and Your plans.

I lay down being so self-consumed in an attempt to protect myself from pain of rejection.

I lay down my anger, unforgiveness, and stubborn ways that cause me to build walls when I sense indications of rejection.


Lord Jesus, I lay all these things down, I release my hold on all the things that were preventing me from returning Your loving embrace. I want nothing to hold me up, but You.

I give to You all the rejection, abandonment, loneliness, self-pity, and the victim spirit that was blocking me from experienceing Your love in my life. 

In the name of Jesus, I break that spirit of rejection. I break and destroy completely the stranglehold of the spirit of rejection. Thank You Jesus, for giving me victory over my enemies. I am not afraid! Fill every empty wound with Your Holy Spirit and close all doors in me that were open to the enemy and seal them shut with Your Blood. I break every lie of Satan with the truth that You have already won the battle on the Cross and I stand and fight from Your Victory in my life.  Thank You, Jesus for Your never-ending mercy and love!” Amen!