Part of a
human soul that is originating from an external
source (usually witches, occultists, Satanists, etc. who seek to
torment) If your ex-partner was involved in the occult, it is possible that
part of their soul is Embedded in your soul, especially if you have an “open
door” or a dissociated fragment of your soul nature. An Embedded Soul-part is different than a dissociative
part. A dissociative part
is an internal part of one’s soul.
It is a gift from God to help and assist us to survive and not for our
destruction. An Embedded
soul-part can, if there are ‘demonic
rights’ present, invade a person’s soul nature (with the aid of a demon) and
afflict dissociative identities and even enter
into the fragmented or dissociated part. A human External Embedded Soul-part is NOT part of one’s
soul nature created by God. It is an invader,
a trespasser and its hold on us
needs to be loosed and broken and sent back to the person of its origin.[1]
Repeat after me:
any demons are attached to any transferred soul-part, I resist these evil spirits
by the Blood of Jesus Christ and command them to leave!
CLAP your hands once!
Repeat after me:
Heavenly Father,
send Your legions of angels to break any curses and reclaim all stolen soul fragments
that are mine and return them back into my soul, washed in the Blood of
the name of Jesus, I renounce, resist, and break all curses of shame, guilt,
self-condemnation, harassment, aggression, or emotional torment related to name
of other person.
When at
home: I will return or destroy any
objects that remind me of that
person [2]
2. DHS Deceased Human Spirit/SOUL-PART
Heart Part: As strange as it may seem, it
is possible to be soul-tied to the dead.
Ungodly soul-ties with
the dead are no small matter but are a very serious spiritual problem that must
be confronted if there is to be deep spiritual growth and the following of the
Lord's spiritual purposes for one's life.
This holding on to
un-godly grief turned into an un-godly soul tie. (It is more sensitive for the
person to call the DHS a “little heart
If a person who dies
cannot bear to leave the “one they love”, a husband, for example, may choose
for his spirit to stay near his wife, or even in their home. If the
people who care for the one who has died refuse to allow him to leave,
they can seemingly hold his spirit although he must also be involved in
choosing to stay. If some important issue remains unresolved at the time of
death, the human spirit may choose to remain, believing he can help solve the
No physical barrier can prevent the mind and spirit from going where it chooses
within the particular spiritual world it has chosen, at the moment of death. If
their ‘free will’ choice is to send one's spirit to their Creator, then nothing
can prevent the spirit from traveling there. If the choice is to send one's
spirit into the fallen angel world, dying in an intensive care unit of a
Christian hospital does not prevent the spirit from traveling to that spiritual
place. If the choice is to send one's spirit to a physical location, or into a descendant
host or to haunt the halls of the hospital or their place of death.
DHS SOUL-PART-TIE Procedure[3]
Heart Parts”
Repeat after me:
I connect the wonderful loving memory
of _______ between Jesus and myself.
And I thank God for the many times we spent together.
I give back to __deceased person_____, any part of them that is embedded in my mind or emotions - washed in the Blood of Jesus.
And I take back from ___person___ any part of me they
are still holding on to, washed in the Blood of
Jesus. And I put it back in my heart so I can walk in my God-given destiny.
permission of the person: Have them say:
I ask forgiveness for myself - for holding on
to ___person___ all this time by not
releasing them after the 30 days mourning period.
Have the
person repeat:
In the
name of Jesus Christ, I ask forgiveness for ___person___ (the
little heart part) for all their sins. (Especially if they
chose for a traumatic death.)
Have them say to the DHS:
___name___ Jesus loves you and He is the
Truth the Life and the Way.
Heavenly Father, send
Your angels down to take ___person___
back to his/her final resting place in the heavenly realm - to the place where You have ordained him/her to go. Do
you want this?
It is important to
note that you cannot bind a human
spirit- part or a disembodied human spirit. That will open you up to
witchcraft. God has given the human spirit freedom of choice.
(Witchcraft is also
defined as having control over or manipulating someone.)
If the
Holy Spirit leads you, you can preach the Gospel to this disembodied human spirit.
the case of people who had participated in
some very exotic rituals, you should be able to find a counter-part for those
rituals in Leviticus. This is because the most highly developed forms of
black magic in secret societies, as the Freemasons and satanic cults,
almost always are based on spiritual law and their rituals often involve
a perversion of the ancient ceremonies of Israel.
[1] Jay Bartlett: Over 20.000 deliverance
sessions. He also talks about little heart-parts: Loved ones who have
died that are still attached or bound to you. The heart-parts need to go
back to Jesus.
[2] Developed procedure from Jay Bartlett
Ministries / House of Healing Den Bosch 2017
[3] Summary
compilation from Kanaan Ministries, Jay Bartlett Ministries and House of
Healing Den Bosch