Someone said: “God needs to speak in our dreams at night because we don’t listen during the day.” 


Dreams speak the language of our subconscious with images, metaphors and emotional themes that your awake conscious mind would have a hard time processing.

God uses your dreams to break down the walls of self-defense that are normally active when you are awake.

Also, demonic attacks can be an influence in your subconscious dreams. So, how can we tell the difference?


As a start; here are some normal scientific facts:


You see, hear and feel so much during the day, that your brain needs time to make sense of it all and works it out in dreams.


For one, your dreams mostly come from your own personal experiences. Your dreams only see familiar faces. Your subconscious can’t make-up faces, it only remembers faces it has already seen. This does not mean actually knowing the person. Your eyes see and take in things that your conscious mind doesn’t really pay attention to. You might never recognize people in a crowd but your subconscious records them all. In your dream you might be walking with a familiar friend and then realize they have a different face.


You can’t read in your dreams. Books and signs might pop-up but you aren’t reading them. That is the exclusive activity of your awake mind. You can’t see a clock in your dreams or yourself in a mirror. If you look into a mirror in your dreams, the image will be blurred or you will see another person.


Men and women dream differently. They dream about different things.

Several studies suggest that men dream about things like – for example: weapons, aggression and physical activities far more often than women do.

Women, on the other hand dream more about things concerning clothes, emotional themes, exclusion or rejection. In addition, allot more conversations are held in woman’s dreams than in men.

Also, women’s dreams are a bit longer and involve more people.

Fifty percent of your dreams have negative emotions. That means, half have positive emotions. Negative dreams tend to involve emotions such as: anger, fear, insecurity and sadness.


Dreams can be a sign of anxiety or underlying stress. No natter in which culture you grew up in, your dreams will involve being chased, attacked or falling. Other common themes are being frozen or immobilized or being late.

Sometimes we even dream of appearing naked before of others.

These dreams can be connected to feelings of anxiety or stress.

If you are experiencing unpleasant dreams, try paying more attention to taking care of yourself. Also, try to deal with circumstances that are causing you stress rather than suppressing them.


Dreams can also be an opportunity for demonic attacks. It is also possible for the enemy to speak to your mind while asleep.


Most people think they cannot do any spiritual warfare when we are sleeping at night – that’s not true. You can stop them.




There are two types of dreams:


          1. Natural dreams: Something coming out of our sub-

             conscious - allot of things that has happened during the

             day will come out as a strange dream.


          2. Spiritual dream: Is not a natural dream coming out of

               our subconscious, it is coming from the OUTSIDE.


There are two kinds of Spiritual dreams:


          a. Coming from the Holy Spirit. God is revealing some-

               thing to you when you were too busy with your conscious mind.


 b. Spiritual dreams coming from a demonic source.

                    1. A demon coming on his own.


                    2. Coming from someone doing black magick /

                        witchcraft. A person astral projection on you.




As a Christian – how is it possible that a demon has the right to come into your dream? The devil or evil only has a legal right (authority) if you give it to him or have any open doors or from generational iniquity. If the devil has no legal rights, he cannot do anything. If you live your life without realizing the authority, you have in Jesus – the devil can attack you.




What can I do in a demonic dream?

People think that they cannot do anything in a demonic dream – not true. The Good News is that you can do something that the devil does not want you to know about.

You have as much power and authority in your dreams as you do in the daytime.

Not natural dreams but in spiritual dreams from demons.

That is: Having authority in your dreams without having to wake-up.



Different kinds of satanic attacks:

From witchcraft:


If it is from witchcraft – they will always want to make you afraid or make a decision of some kind. They will try to manipulate you in some way or try to have sex with you.

These dreams are just as important as they are in the daytime.

Do not say, “They are just a dream!”



From demons: 

Demons will come and try to connect with youTO GIVE you SOMETHING: food or something to drink. They will try to invite you into a group – INVITE you to dance – to follow them into a house, etc.

Demons will try to make contact with you and try to pull you into a deeper relationship with them.


In your dream – take authority – refuse and fight back.

If you read the summary on Night Demons pg.38 you will see that it is possible to have sex with demons in your dreams.

You have the power and authority of taking action.

Example: In her dreams every night, a demon would come and she would fly around the room with it. This is a grooming process.

You need to say: “In the Name of Jesus, get out of my dream –

 I don’t want you!


If you see dead people in your dreams, even if you know and love them – even if they do not say anything or want you to do something – take authority in Jesus’ name and tell them to leave!

Have God send an angel to take them away. See pg.34 DHS.


Psalm 16:7NLTI will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me.” (Wisdom comes to me in my inward parts)


Dream of being naked:

In a dream becoming humiliated at the realization that you are naked in public, reflects your vulnerability or feelings of shamefulness. You may be hiding something (a fractured part from a trauma in childhood) and are afraid that others can see right through you. Metaphorically, clothes are a means of concealment. ... Nudity also symbolizes being caught off guard. It is important to recognize our self-image; that to some degree we have a desire to be seen what or who we really are.

This fearful hidden part needs to be integrated into your “self”. You will receive a wonderful healing and the blockage, that has been holding you back all this time, will disappear.


Before going to sleep:

Commit your night-time to Jesus. Build a wall of the Blood of Jesus around you. Ask the Father to send His protection angels to deal with any demonic attacks. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His Light.







Heavenly Father I enter Your Gates with thanksgiving and Your Courts with praise. (Psalm 100:4)

I apply the Blood of Jesus over myself, my dwelling place and everything I have authority over and that concerns me.


Father, send your protection angels down all around me, above and below me. Holy Spirit, shine Your Light around me that no plague of sickness will enter this home.


In Jesus’ name, I command every curse, hex, spell, incantation, voodoo, sorcery, any form of witchcraft, dark art[1] or any other form of weaponized demonic activity sent against me would be reversed upon the heads of the senders seven-fold that they would know the greater power of Jesus Christ.


I pray that every human spirit, fallen angelic spirit or demonic spirit attempting to come against me or anything that concerns me, would be stopped and dealt with by Your protection angels.


In Jesus’ name, I cancel and render powerless all attempts of mind-to-mind communication, dream manipulation, and all other forms of psychic and telepathic intrusions.

I thank You Father that all my dreams will be inspired by the Holy Spirit. I declare that my sleep will be sweet, uninterrupted and I’ll be fully rested when I wake-up. AMEN

2020 House of Healing Den Bosch - Arranged and summarized from Kanaan Ministries.



“Lord, there is a part of me that has never confessed its need and pride and therefore, that part of me is still trying to be an acceptable part of You, is still fearful and unable to wholly depend on You.”[2]









[1] The term Dark Arts refers to rhetorical techniques crafted to exploit human cognitive biases in order to persuade, deceive, or otherwise manipulate a person. Any type of magick that is mainly used to cause harm.

[2] “The Broken Image” Leanne Payne pg. 154